Project Progress

I’m throwing in the towel.

I sat down and tried to work on Row 2 yesterday. I really tried. But things like this happened:

Because I didn’t realize that the shoestring trick would keep it from twisting around at that direction-change join. By that point I had accepted that this doily would be a refresher course and wouldn’t be displayed as a finished piece.

Numerous shoestring tricks later (in trying to avoid some reverses, even though I didn’t think of it in the first instance of the pattern) I noticed that I had completely missed that second join and made three more rings! I’m pretty sure that the fact that I kept losing my place in the pattern didn’t help (again, it’s poorly written; Row 2 starts with Ring A, goes through B and C, then comes back to Ring A and Chain A, then Chain B, then Ring B, and that’s it, instead of just indicating to repeat from Ring A!). It’s not worth it to pick out three rings (and the chains), nor is it worth it to cut it out and try again, when the doily’s so badly botched already.

I’m going to make a bookmark or something from what’s left in my shuttles, and then I’m going to start looking at ideas for an actual project.

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About shatteredshards

No, I am not a cat.

2 responses to “Project Progress”

  1. ninibestiole says :

    it happened to me a lot lately and yeah sounds like your pattern is poorly written :s

    good luck with your next project ^^

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